
astrophysics (85)biophysics (18)chemistry (24)electric field (71)electric current (76)gravitational field (81)hydromechanics (146)nuclear physics (44)oscillations (57)quantum physics (31)magnetic field (43)mathematics (89)mechanics of a point mass (298)gas mechanics (87)mechanics of rigid bodies (221)molecular physics (72)geometrical optics (78)wave optics (65)other (167)relativistic physics (37)statistical physics (21)thermodynamics (155)wave mechanics (51)

mechanics of rigid bodies

(6 points)5. Series 37. Year - 3. bowling

Jirka was bowling with his friends. He was throwing the ball so that when it hit the lane it had a horizontal velocity $v_0$ and glided on the lane without spinning. However, there was a coefficient of friction $f$ between the lane and the ball, hence after time $t^\ast $ the ball started to roll without slipping. Determine the final velocity $v^\ast $ at this equilibrium, the time $t^\ast $ and the distance $s^\ast $ the ball travels before reaching the equilibrium. The ball is solid, with radius $r$ and mass $m$.

Jirka didn't trust the lecturer, so he made up his own problem.

(12 points)4. Series 37. Year - E. pendulum in the wind

Measure the period of the torsion pendulum oscillations as a function of the length of the thread. Use at least two types of thread materials. Determine as accurately as possible all the relevant parameters on which the period depends.

FYKOS forgot an experiment.

(3 points)3. Series 37. Year - 2. stable sheep


Consider a rectangular board and a block of wood with dimensions $a=20 \mathrm{cm}$, $b=10 \mathrm{cm}$, and $c=5 \mathrm{cm}$ (the shape of the inverted letter $L$ is our approximation of a sheep). The edges of the board are parallel to the edges of the base of the block. Assuming the block tips over before sliding, at what angle will it tip over if we tilt it successively around each of the edges of the board? (See figure)

Dodo watched sheep on a hillside.

(8 points)3. Series 37. Year - 4. size matters

A sphere with a radius $r$ rolls on a horizontal surface with a speed $v$. However, its path is blocked by a perpendicular step with the height $h$. Find the conditions under which the ball rolls onto the step and starts rolling along it without losing contact with the step. Under these conditions, determine its speed after it has crossed the step. Assume that all collisions are perfectly inelastic and the friction between the ball and the step is high. The step is angular and is oriented perpendicular to the direction of the sphere's motion.

Dodo had small wheels.

(10 points)3. Series 37. Year - S. weighted participants

  1. According to definitions by International System of Units, convert these into base units
    • pressure $1 \mathrm{psi}$,
    • energy $1 \mathrm{foot-pound}$,
    • force $1 \mathrm{dyn}$.
  2. In the diffraction experiment, table salt's grating constant (edge length of the elementary cell) was measured as $563 \mathrm{pm}$. We also know its density as $2{,}16 \mathrm{g\cdot cm^{-3}}$, and that it crystallizes in a face-centered cubic lattice. Determine the value of the atomic mass unit.
  3. A thin rod with a length $l$ and a linear density $\lambda $ lies on a cylinder with a radius $R$ perpendicular to its axis of symmetry. A weight with mass $m$ is placed at each end of the rod so that the rod is horizontal. We carefully increase the mass of one of the weights to $M$. What will be the angle between the rod and the horizontal direction? Assume that the rod does not slide off the cylinder.
  4. How would you measure the mass of:
    • an astronaut on ISS,
    • a loaded oil tanker,
    • a small asteroid heading towards Earth?

Dodo keeps confucing weight nad mass.

(3 points)2. Series 37. Year - 2. inflated tyre

It is said that if you want to inflate a car's tires, you should do it when they are cold. Therefore, Jarda drove to a petrol station with a compressor, bought a hot dog, and waited for the tires to cool down. Curious, he measured the tire pressure before and after his snack. It had dropped from $2{,}7 \mathrm{bar}$ to $2{,}5 \mathrm{bar}$. He wondered whether the tire pressure could be determined by the height of the car's body above the road. How much did the body of Jarda's car approach the ground due to the decrease in the tire temperature? The weight of the car is $1{,}3 \mathrm{t}$. The outer radius of the tires is $32 \mathrm{cm}$, the inner radius is $22 \mathrm{cm}$, and their width is $21 \mathrm{cm}$. Assume that the tires deform due to the car's weight only on the underside where they touch the ground.

Jarda would drain his soul (as well as his bicycle's inner tube) for FYKOS.

(10 points)2. Series 37. Year - 5. ferry

Imagine a ferry in the shape of a rectangular cuboid with a weight $M$, length $L$, width $W$, and height $H \ll L$ from the keel to the deck. After docking at the pier, passengers gradually exit through the back of the deck so that the empty front part of the deck becomes larger and the area density of people on the filled part does not change in a different way. Find the maximum weight of passengers the ferry can carry so that no part of the deck is below the surface when people disembark. Consider that the ship is stable in the transverse direction and that people get off slowly.

After quite some time, Dodo was at sea again.

(5 points)1. Series 37. Year - 3. new bicycle

A cyclist with the mass $m_c=62{,}3 \mathrm{kg}$ started riding his bike at constant power from rest to the wanted speed at time $t=103 \mathrm{s}$. His bicycle's steel frame and fork have a mass $M=6{,}50 \mathrm{kg}$, and each of the two wheels has a mass $m=1950 \mathrm{g}$. How long would it take him to get going on a bike with a carbon frame and fork that is four times lighter? The weight of the other bicycle parts is included in the cyclist's weight.

Dodo borrowed his sister's bike.

(7 points)1. Series 37. Year - 4. truck flip

Legolas had a dream in which the truck braked so quickly that the container lifted off the ground and did a somersault over the cab. He wondered if that was possible, so he tried to do the math. In his model, the entire truck has a mass of $m$ and comprises a tractor and a container. It can rotate freely in all directions around the point where it is connected to the tractor. When the truck is on a flat road, the center of gravity of the container is $h$ above this connection and at a distance $l$ from it. Depending on the slope of the road $\phi $, how much force must the truck brake in order to lift the wheels under the container off the road?

Lego was literally dreaming

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