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wave mechanics

3. Series 9. Year - 2. remote research

It’s note easy to obtain precise astrometric data about Mercury. Many errors were rooted out just after radioastronomical measurement on the 60’s. Let’s follow this work. Radioastronomers emit a signal towards Mercury at $t_{0}=0\;\mathrm{s}$ and receives its reflection in an interval between $t_{1}=1070,15624\;\mathrm{s}$ and $t_{2}=1070,18879\;\mathrm{s}$. Next they analyze the red shift of the received wave. The initial frequency 100 MHz was blurred between $f_{1}=99,97739700\;\mathrm{MHz}$ and $f_{2}=99,97740506\;\mathrm{MHz}$. Supposing that the angle between equatorial plane of Mercury and the eclipses is small determine from these data the distance and relative speed of Mercury from the observatory, its radius, angular velocity and the length of one rotation period.

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