
astrophysics (85)biophysics (18)chemistry (24)electric field (71)electric current (76)gravitational field (81)hydromechanics (146)nuclear physics (44)oscillations (57)quantum physics (31)magnetic field (43)mathematics (89)mechanics of a point mass (298)gas mechanics (87)mechanics of rigid bodies (221)molecular physics (72)geometrical optics (78)wave optics (65)other (167)relativistic physics (37)statistical physics (21)thermodynamics (155)wave mechanics (51)

geometrical optics

(8 points)2. Series 35. Year - 5. Shkadov thruster

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, one civilisation decided to move its whole solar system. One of the possibilities was to build a „Dyson half-sphere“, i. e. a megastructure which would capture approximately half of the radiation output of the start and reflect it in a single direction. An ideal shape would therefore be a paraboloid of revolution. What would be the relation between the radiation output of the star, surface mass density of such a mirror and its distance from the star such that this distance is constant?

Karel watches Kurzgesagt.

(3 points)2. Series 34. Year - 2. land ahoy

Cathy and Catherine are watching a ship which is sailing with a constant speed towards a port. Cathy is standing on a rock above the port and her eyes are $h_1=20 \mathrm{m}$ above the surface of the water. Catherine is standing under the rock and her eyes are $h_2=1{,}7 \mathrm{m}$ above the surface of the water. If Catherine sees the top of the incoming ship $t=25 \mathrm{min}$ after Cathy sees it, what is the time of arrival of the ship to the port? Assume that the Earth is a perfect sphere with a radius $r=6378 \mathrm{km}$.

Radka remembered a vacation by the sea.

(3 points)1. Series 34. Year - 1. almost stopped light

Find the refractive index of a transparent plane-parallel plate of thickness $d=1 \mathrm{cm}$, such that it will take one year for the light to pass through it. Discuss whether such a situation is possible.

Dodo read another sci-fi.

(10 points)6. Series 33. Year - 5. golden nectar

Magic field of Discworld is so strong that the speed of light does no longer have its common meaning. This applies only close to the surface, where the refractive index of the magic field has magnitude $n_0 = 2,00 \cdot 10^{6}$. The refractive index decreases with height $h$ as $n(h) = n_0\eu ^{-kh}$, where $k = 1,00 \cdot 10^{-7} \mathrm{m^{-1}}$. Calculate the optimal angle (measured from vertical direction) under which a light signal shall be emitted from one end of the Discworld to reach the opposite end in the shortest time possible. Diameter of the Discworld is $d = 15\;000 \mathrm{km}$ and speed of light in vacuum is $c = 3,00 \cdot 10^{8} \mathrm{m\cdot s^{-1}}$.

Mirek waited for the light from the traffic light to reach him.

(8 points)4. Series 33. Year - 4. optical FYKOS bird

The FYKOS bird found an optical bench at the Faculty of Physics. The bench allows him to place different tools along an optical axis. He started to play with it and gradually placed onto it: a point source of light, a first lens, a second lens and a screen, with the same spacing between them (so the distance between the screen and the light source is three times bigger than any distance of two neighbouring tools). A sharp image of the source was created on the screen. Then, he dipped the whole system into an unknown liquid, which he found in a strange container. To his amazement, the image on the screen stayed sharp. Figure out the refractive index of the given liquid, which is certainly different from the refractive index of air. You can assume that the refractive index of air is unitary. One of the lenses has ten times bigger focal length than the other and both are thin, manufactured from a material with refractive index $2$.

Matej likes to play with strangers' things.

(3 points)6. Series 32. Year - 1. selfenlightment


We illuminate a mirror at an angle of $\alpha = 15\mathrm{\dg }$ with respect to the normal. We want the light to travel directly back to the source. For doing so, we can use a glass prism with an index of refraction $n = 1,8$. Find the angle $\eta $ as a function of $\alpha $ and $n$ (see the figure). The prism is placed into the air with an index of refraction $n_0$.

Hint: \[\begin{align*} \sin \(x + y\) &= \sin x \cos y + \cos x \sin y  , \\
\cos \(x + y\) &= \cos x \cos y - \sin x \sin y  , \\
\sin x + \sin y &= 2\sin \(\frac {x + y}{2}\)\cos \(\frac {x - y}{2}\)  , \\
\cos x + \cos y &= 2\cos \(\frac {x + y}{2}\)\cos \(\frac {x - y}{2}\)  . \end {align*}\]

Karel saw Danka's task.

(6 points)2. Series 32. Year - 3. physics trophy

Danka won the annual Derivative Bee and she obtained a statuette made of transparent material as a reward. This statuette is made in shape of a cube prism with an edge of $a = 5$ cm and height of $h \leq a$. No matter what angle she looks at the prism, she can only see the reflection on the side walls but not through it. What is the index of refraction of the material? The prism is placed in air.

Michal K. was charmed by a statuette.

(3 points)5. Series 31. Year - 2. death rays on the glass

A light ray falls on a glass plate with an absolute reflective index $n = 1,5$. Determine its angle of incidence $\alpha _1$ if the reflected ray forms an angle $60 \dg$ with the refracted ray. The board is stored in the air.

Danka likes solvine more problems simultaneously.

(3 points)2. Series 31. Year - 2. solar power plant

The solar constant, or more accurately the solar irradiance, is the influx of energy coming from the Sun at the distance where Earth is. It technically doesn't have a constant value, but let's suppose it is approximately $P = 1{,}370\,\mathrm{W\cdot m^{-2}}$. Also, suppose that Earth's orbit is circular and its axis of rotation is tilted with respect to the normal of the orbital plane by $23.5\dg $. What would be the maximum power captured by a solar panel of area $S= 1\,\mathrm{m^2}$ at the summer and winter solstice, if the panel lies flat on the ground in Prague (latitude $50\dg $ N)? Ignore the effects of any obstructions or the atmosphere.

Karel watched Crash Course Astronomy

(6 points)2. Series 31. Year - 3. observing

What fraction of a spherical planet's surface cannot be seen from the stationary orbit above the planet? (A stationary orbit is one where the satellite stays fixed above a certain point on the planet.) The density of the planet is $\rho $ and its rotation period is $T$.

Filip went through the unseen competition problems.

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