
A FYKOS camp is held twice a year (in autumn and in spring). Roughly 40 best participants of all categories are invited. During the week-long camp, participants attend lectures on advanced topics in physics (and mathematics) delivered by both undergraduate and graduate students of the Department of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University in Prague. In order to relax and have some fun, there are prepared games, sports and competitions for both participants and organizers. In the second half of the week, participants divide to small groups and choose an experiment to do. Then they prepare a presentation for the rest and present what they have measured.

Participants are chosen on the basis of their total points from the latest three series of problem sets.

It is the camps that are best remembered by the participants and the organizers after years. The price for the camp (apart from the travel expenses) is subsidized by FYKOS – the better you do, the cheaper the camp is for you (the best participants attend for free); even if some participants pay a fee, the fee is used purely to co-fund the venue and other essential expenses.

The camps are currently only for students who speak Czech. However, in case of high interest, we may start accepting English-speaking participants as well.

List of the Past Camps

Lázně Libverda Camp Autumn 2024

Jedlová Camp Spring 2024

Dolní Dvůr Camp Autumn 2023

Frýdštejn Camp Spring 2023

Kořenov Camp Autumn 2022

Hejnice Camp Spring 2022

Dolní Dvůr Camp Autumn 2021

Sedloňov Camp Spring 2021

Kořenov Camp Autumn 2020

Sedloňov Camp Spring 2020

Jedlová, Lužické hory Camp Autumn 2019

Domašov nad Bystřicí Camp Spring 2019

Karlovice Camp Autumn 2018

Záseka - Radostín nad Oslavou Camp Spring 2018

Zelená Lhota Camp Autumn 2017

Domašov nad Bystřicí Camp Spring 2017

Záseka - Radostín nad Oslavou Camp Autumn 2016

Lomy - okres Tachov Camp Spring 2016

Hříběcí - Horní Cerekev Camp Autumn 2015

Zelená Lhota Camp Spring 2015

Soustředění ŠVS Obůrka - Blansko Camp Autumn 2014

Soustředění Sklené u Fryšavy Camp Spring 2014

Jitřenka, Ludvíkov Camp Autumn 2013

Heřmanice v Podještědí Camp Spring 2013

Dlouhé Rzy Camp Autumn 2012

Josefov (v Adamově u Brna) Camp Spring 2012

Zelená Lhota (Nýrsko) Camp Autumn 2011

Domašov nad Bystřicí Camp Spring 2011

Ostravice Camp Autumn 2010

Uhelná Příbram Camp Spring 2010

Nesměř Camp Autumn 2009

Švagrov Camp Spring 2009

Dolní Dvůr Camp Autumn 2008

Záseka Camp Spring 2008

Chrastice Camp Autumn 2007

Budišov u Třebíče Camp Spring 2007

Škrdlovice Camp Autumn 2006

Dobrá Voda Camp Spring 2006

Jablonec nad Jizerou Camp Autumn 2005

Rapotín Camp Spring 2005

Horní Bradlo Camp Autumn 2004

Bartošovice Camp Spring 2004

Sloup v Čechách Camp Autumn 2003

Stebno Camp Spring 2003

Horní Bradlo Camp Autumn 2002

Jalovec Camp Spring 2002

Chrastice Camp Autumn 2001

Chlumětín Camp Spring 2001

Janov Camp Autumn 2000

Valdek Camp Spring 2000

Nové Hutě Camp Autumn 1999

Lhota u Olešnice Camp Spring 1999

Lomy U Kunžaku Camp Autumn 1998

Samopše Camp Spring 1998

Stříbrná Camp Autumn 1997

Ouč Camp Spring 1997

Dolní Morava Camp Autumn 1996

Radějov Camp Spring 1996

Prachatice Camp Autumn 1995

Příchovice Camp Spring 1995

chata Olšanka Camp Autumn 1994

Poddubí u Ondřejova Camp Spring 1994

Předboř Camp Autumn 1993

Český Šumburk (Josefův Důl) Camp Autumn 1992

Hrádek nad Nisou Camp Spring 1992

Zlatá Olešnice Camp Autumn 1992

Hrádek nad Nisou Camp Spring 1991

Hrádek nad Nisou Camp Autumn 1990

Černovice Camp Spring 1990

Hrádek nad Nisou Camp Autumn 1989

Seč Camp Autumn 1988

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