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Z dílny Dalimilovy.
Such lens has identical curvature to the original lens, and, according to Snell law we would expect, that will focus the light in the same way as original lens. However, looking at the situation using Fermat principle, the different beam paths do not experience the same time, as we have removed in different places different glass thickness. For example the shortest time is represented by the light beam travelling along the optical axis. It seems, that Fermat principle is failing, according it the lens should focus only the light following the optical axis and will not function as it should. Decide, who is correct: Snell or Fermat? And why?
Z Kroniky Dalimilovy.
We are sorry. This type of task is not translated to English.
Hint: for any real matrix $A$ <p style=„text-align:center;“> lim_{$N→∞}(I+A/N)^{N}=\exp(A)$,
where $I$ is the identity matrix and exp($A)=I+A+A^{2}/2!+A^{3}/3!+\ldots]$.